

Homolog: NA.
Function: NA.


Total GO Annotation: 2
Unique PROST Go: 2
Unique BLAST Go: 0

Total Homologs: 24
Unique PROST Homologs: 22
Unique BLAST Homologs: 0

Structures and Sequence Alignment

No statistically significant and chracterized protein found. There may be unchracterized protein homologs with statistically significant structural alignments. Check homolog list.

Go Annotations

1. PB indicates the go terms that are found by both PROST and BLAST.
2. P indicates the go terms that are found by only PROST.
3. B indicates the go terms that are only annotated by BLAST.
Source GO Description
2. P GO:0008285 negative regulation of cell population proliferation
2. P GO:0005739 mitochondrion


1. PB indicates the homologs that are found by both PROST and BLAST.
2. P indicates homologs that are only found by PROST.
3. B indicates homologs that are only found by BLAST.

Source Homolog Description FATCAT p-val PROST Evalue BLAST Evalue
1. PB A6NKX1 Protein FAM223B 0 2.00e-179 4.86e-89
1. PB Q8IWN6 Protein FAM223A 1.06e-01 4.07e-119 1.19e-87
2. P P08868 Uncharacterized protein YuaZ 7.36e-01 1.65e-05 NA
2. P P18388 T3C protein NA 1.63e-02 NA
2. P A6NEH8 Putative uncharacterized protein encoded by ZNF503-AS2 4.76e-01 1.10e-02 NA
2. P P03287 Uncharacterized 11.6 kDa early protein NA 3.17e-03 NA
2. P Q06267 Putative uncharacterized protein YLR184W 7.95e-01 1.70e-05 NA
2. P P92552 Uncharacterized mitochondrial protein AtMg01220 1.68e-01 2.98e-05 NA
2. P Q89544 Uncharacterized protein DR5 NA 3.10e-03 NA
2. P Q9ZGS5 Uncharacterized protein YuaZ 8.85e-01 1.30e-03 NA
2. P P87264 Putative uncharacterized protein YDR467C 6.88e-01 2.81e-02 NA
2. P Q9Y7Q0 Uncharacterized protein C191.06 2.12e-01 8.40e-04 NA
2. P Q3E821 Uncharacterized protein YBL008W-A 7.10e-01 1.01e-03 NA
2. P Q5SWW7 Uncharacterized protein C10orf55 3.01e-01 4.88e-02 NA
2. P Q96KF2 Small nuclear protein PRAC1 4.71e-01 4.37e-05 NA
2. P P0CV28 Secreted RxLR effector protein 82 3.59e-01 1.92e-03 NA
2. P Q75JM4 Putative uncharacterized protein DDB_G0276061 5.50e-01 2.53e-02 NA
2. P P59051 Putative uncharacterized protein encoded by BRWD1-AS2 7.10e-01 2.18e-04 NA
2. P Q64744 Uncharacterized protein ORF15 NA 3.56e-02 NA
2. P Q5QJJ0 Uncharacterized protein YuaZ 9.07e-01 1.30e-03 NA
2. P Q9H8X3 Putative uncharacterized protein LINC00574 3.75e-01 6.73e-03 NA
2. P A8MS09 Small polypeptide DEVIL 24 3.90e-01 2.93e-03 NA
2. P O83730 Uncharacterized protein TP_0749 5.93e-01 3.98e-02 NA
2. P Q8TGK8 Putative uncharacterized protein YPR160C-A 5.87e-01 7.76e-04 NA