

Homolog: NA.
Function: NA.


Total GO Annotation: 1
Unique PROST Go: 1
Unique BLAST Go: 0

Total Homologs: 9
Unique PROST Homologs: 8
Unique BLAST Homologs: 0

Structures and Sequence Alignment

No statistically significant and chracterized protein found. There may be unchracterized protein homologs with statistically significant structural alignments. Check homolog list.

Go Annotations

1. PB indicates the go terms that are found by both PROST and BLAST.
2. P indicates the go terms that are found by only PROST.
3. B indicates the go terms that are only annotated by BLAST.
Source GO Description
2. P GO:0042127 regulation of cell population proliferation


1. PB indicates the homologs that are found by both PROST and BLAST.
2. P indicates homologs that are only found by PROST.
3. B indicates homologs that are only found by BLAST.

Source Homolog Description FATCAT p-val PROST Evalue BLAST Evalue
1. PB Q8N6U2 Putative uncharacterized protein encoded by LINC00612 0 3.33e-165 2.07e-121
2. P P11300 Probable protein E3 NA 1.10e-02 NA
2. P P34238 Putative uncharacterized protein YKL177W 3.60e-01 4.47e-02 NA
2. P Q9ULZ0 TP53-target gene 3 protein 1.87e-01 4.07e-03 NA
2. P Q6PL45 BRICHOS domain-containing protein 5 6.51e-01 3.28e-02 NA
2. P P06724 30 kDa major early protein NA 1.24e-02 NA
2. P P05670 Uncharacterized 12.6 kDa early protein NA 4.83e-02 NA
2. P Q9H7B7 Putative uncharacterized protein PKD1L1-AS1 9.31e-01 5.92e-04 NA
2. P Q9H8W2 Putative uncharacterized protein encoded by LINC00472 5.96e-01 1.33e-04 NA